It’s fairly simple to make a Christmas swag for your home to dress up your stairs or front door. You don’t have to be “crafty” to make one and all you need is a few simple items. A swag makes your home look so beautiful. They may look complicated but they are actually very easy to make. I like to…
20 Ideas To Decorate Your Stairs & Entry For Christmas
Swags and Bows and Garland Oh My – There are so many fantastic ways to decorate your stairs and entry for Christmas. you can get anyone in the spirit from the moment they enter your home. Here’s my round up of easy ideas you can totally steal in the spirit of spreading Christmas cheer. Enjoy!! Are you ready to…
Simple Ideas To Dress Your Holiday Table & Make It Pretty
The holiday dinner table is the place we gather to share memories, indulge in our favorite foods and bond with loved ones. Since the table is such an important connection point I say why not make it a place of beauty. When my family eats Christmas dinner we are usually in sweatpants or lounge clothes but the table is…
DIY: How To Make A Magnolia Christmas Wreath
There’s a beautiful Magnolia tree in my front yard ripe for a little pruning to give me the wonderful making for a Magnolia Christmas wreath. Magnolia trees are as southern as pecan pie or cornbread. Did you know Magnolia is the state flower of Mississippi and Louisiana? The tree has beautifully glossy leaves year-around and depending on your plant…
How To Set A Glorious Thanksgiving Side Table
Will you need to include a side table to accomodate more guest, a children’s table, or for beverages and desserts this Thanksgiving? If you do I say don’t treat the side table as an after thought – Make it an integral and beautiful part of your decor. Maybe your Thanksgiving will be an intimate dinner for two? How about…