Today I’m asking a question – How does your personality show up in your home decor?
It’s a thought I ponder all the time when I’m trying to first discover my clients personality, then help them live who they are in their home decor.
Here’s an example of two rooms in two different homes. In the first home the rooms are a dramatic contrast from one room to the other. In the second home it’s easy to see a flow and continuity from room to room.
Now, I’m not:
– Suggesting one idea is “right” and another is “wrong” or that there has to be continuation room to room.
– Suggesting one idea or style should permeate a home. We are people of many moods and that will show up in our style and decorating.
I just want to ponder the thought and learn what you have to say about this question.
After all, I believe:
“It’s your home, your sacred, self-affirming space. Therefore, it should float your boat.”
Also, I believe it is possible to show your personality and achieve continuity in your home – if that’s what you desire.
Here are my examples and I’d love to hear what you think.
House #1 – Room C
House #1 – Room D
House #2 – Room A
House #2 – Room B
Is your home a dramatic shift from room to room? Or is there more sameness from room to room? Which appeals most to you?
I’d love to know.
More than anything, I want you to have the freedom to be who you are at home. And I’d love to help you discover and showcase your personality in your home decor.
Until next time …