Today, I’m taking a look back at a design influence that ‘s a favorite of mine – Art Deco. It’s one of the most iconic and artistic design influences on visual arts and architecture in the past 100 years. Art Deco style is still coveted today as it was during it’s glory era.
Are you a fan of Old Hollywood Glamour?
Over the top Fashion and Graphics?
Iconic Architecture?
Then, like me, you are probably a lover of the Art Deco Design.
A little about Art Deco
Art Deco was a design movement that significantly shaped the design of architecture, interior design, painting, jewelry, fashion, textiles, furniture, sculpture and graphic arts. The Art Deco design movement began in Paris after WW1. It influenced visual design, decorative arts, and architecture into the 1940’s.
What made Art Deco significant is it was one of the first design influences to become universally adapted by many cultures around the world. There are excellent examples of Art Deco architecture from Shanghai to Australia to NYC and of course Paris where it originated.
Art Deco style is still celebrated and appreciated today. Original furniture, art and jewelry are highly coveted and expensive items at auction houses.
Did you love the set design and fashion from the Great Gatsby – Art Deco.
Love the fashion of the jazz era – Art Deco too.
Here’s are some great examples of Art Deco Architecture that have become iconic landmarks we still marvel at today.
Two of New York City’s most iconic buildings, the Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center are classic Art Deco structures full of ornate details, reliefs, sculptures and materials symbolizing the modern industrial age.
Rockefeller Center opened 1932 was designed by Raymond Hood. There are so many Art Deco features in the 30 Rockefeller Center Complex it’s one of my favorite Art Deco buildings in the world.
Miami’s Ocean Drive is a strip of classic Art Deco buildings. The Fairmont Hotel is a tropical Art Deco landmark structure.
Paris – Theatre des Champs Elysees 1913, designer Auguste Perret
Shanghai’s Cathay Hotel original developed by Sir Victor Sassoon in 1929 became the Peace Hotel in 1956
Havana, Cuba – Bacardi Building, 1930 designed by architects Rafael Fernández Ruenes, Esteban Rodríguez Castell and José Menéndez
Art Deco proves my point – Great design stands the test of time.
To learn more about Art Deco’s had a phenomenal influence on decorative arts. I’m covering that in my next post so stay tuned.
Until next time …